Bait Vegan

Address: 41 Raoul Valenberg St., Haifa, Israel

Located in Haifa, Bait Vegan is set a 5-minute drive away from the nearest beach. It offers accommodation with free Wi-Fi and air conditioning. The lush garden and a furnished terrace with barbecue facilities invite to relax.

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  10. HI - Haifa Hostel Tsviya Ve-Yitshak Street 18, Haifa
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Companies and places nearby

  1. Eshkol Housing Luxury Apartments Haifa
  2. 诪转谞"住 专诪讜转 讗砖讻讜诇 Community Center
  3. Good luck salon Beauty Salon
  4. 拽专讘 诪讙注 讘讞讬驻讛 Martial Arts School
  5. 讚谞讬讗诇 讗专谞讘专讙 讗讬诪讜谉 讬诇讚讬诐 讜谞讜注专 Sports & Fitness Instruction
  6. 讛讚专 讘专拽讜讘讬抓'-Eye Brow Artist Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
  7. 讻专诪讬 Women's Clothing Store
  8. 住讟讜讚讬讜 讙讜祝1 讞讬驻讛 - 讻讜砖专 讗讬砖讬 讘拽讘讜爪讜转 拽讟谞讜转 Gym/Physical Fitness Center
  9. Emma Banoyan Nail Salon
  10. 驻砖讜讟 讬讜讙讛 Yoga Studio
  11. 讙谉 砖讜砖讬
  12. SLS Tuning Israel Motor vehicle company
  13. 诪讚专住讬诐 讘讛转讗诪讛 讗讬砖讬转 - 诪讜讟讬 讞讻讬诐 Footwear Store
  14. 讚谉 拽专讟讬谞讙 - Dan Karting Sports & recreation
  15. 谞讟诇讬 诇爪'讬谞住拽讬 注讬爪讜讘 砖讬注专 讜讗讬驻讜专 讘讞讬驻讛
  16. Olala-The Brandhouse Media/news company
  17. 砖讜讜讗专诪讛 拽讟谞讛 讜诪讟专讬驻讛 Bar
  18. Leen boutique Boutique Store
  19. 讘讬转 讛讜专讬诐 讗讞讜讝转 讘谞讬 讘专讬转 Nonprofit organization
  20. 讙诇专讬讬转 讗住祝 Arts & entertainment
  21. 诪住驻专转 诇讬谞讛 讜转讜诪专 Barber Shop
  22. 砖讜讜讗专诪讛 拽讟谞讛 讜诪讟专讬驻讛 Fast food restaurant
  23. 诇讬讬讚讬住 讗讬谉 砖讬讬驻 Ladies In Shape Gym/Physical Fitness Center
  24. 住讟讜讚讬讜 Ktb- 讗讬诪讜谞讬诐 驻讜谞拽爪讬讜谞诇讬讬诐 讘讞讬驻讛 Personal Coach
  25. 诪住驻专转 转讜诪专 讜诇讬谞讛
  26. 讗诇讜诪讜转 讛砖讚讛 - Alummot Hasade Health Food Store
  27. 讞诇讜诐 讘讗讙诐
  28. 驻讬住讬驻讜谉 诪讞砖讜讘 讜住诇讜诇专 Computer Repair Service
  29. irena_urman
  30. 住讟讜讚讬讜 转谞讜注讜转 Dance Studio
  31. 诪专讻讝 专驻讜讗讬 讻专诪诇 Hospital
  32. 诪驻转讞 讛诪讚注 - Sciences Key Science, Technology & Engineering
  33. 拽讜 爪注讬专 Hair Salon
  34. 专谞讬 讝讬讜 - 讬讜注抓 谞讚诇"谉 Real Estate Agent
  35. 讟讜拽 讟讜拽讬 - 住谞讚讘讬抓' 讗住驻专住讜 讘专 Sandwich Shop
  36. 谞驻砖 讬讛讜讚讬 - 讗讜谞讬' 讞讬驻讛