Villa Ella

Address: HaHaruv St Bne Beitha 265, Hatzor haglilit, Israel

Villa Ella is a detached villa located in Hatzor haglilit in the North District Israel Region and featuring a garden with an outdoor pool. Guests benefit from balcony. Free WiFi is featured throughout the property.

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Hotels Nearby

  1. Manor Yosef HaEkaliptus St 3, Hatzor haglilit
  2. Arava Ba'Galil Ha'Gefen st. 91, Hatzor haglilit
  3. Pearl Of The North Narkis, Hatzor haglilit
  4. Rosh Pinat Noy HaThurmus 30, Rosh Pinna
  5. Shwartzimmer Hatermos 16, Rosh Pinna
  6. Blue&Cream Chalets haafarsek 36 St., Rosh Pinna
  7. The Beautiful Cabins Ha'afarsek 39, Rosh Pinna
  8. Bayit Bagalil Spa Hotel PO Box 33, Rosh Pinna
  9. El Gey Oni - Royal Suites Hanarkis 30, Rosh Pinna
  10. Adva High Above All Hanarkis 29, Rosh Pinna
  11. Havaya Ba Nof Lodge Hairus 15, Rosh Pinna
  12. Villar Hashazif 15, Rosh Pinna

Companies and places nearby

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  2. 讜讬诇讛 讗诇讛 Hotel resort
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  4. 注讝专 诇讗拽讚诪讬讛 Writing Service
  5. Tal Finish -注讬爪讜讘讬诐 讜讛驻拽讜转 讗讬专讜注讬诐 Florist
  6. 讬讜谞讬 讻讛谉 - 住讜讻谉 讘讬讟讜讞 Insurance Broker
  7. 讜讬诇讛 讗讞讜讝转 讬讜住祝
  8. 讗讞讜讝转 讬讜住祝
  9. 讛诪专讻讝 诇讙讬诇 讛专讱 讞爪讜专 讛讙诇讬诇讬转
  10. 讛讬讻诇 讛转专讘讜转 讞爪讜专
  11. 讗.讞. 讞砖诪诇 爪驻讜谉 Electric Utility Provider
  12. 诪砖专讚 注讜专讻讬 讚讬谉- 谞讜讬讛 讜注专谉 讗讘讬注讜讝 Noya & Eran Avioz Adv Labor & Employment Lawyer
  13. PLACE - 转讬讜讜讱 谞讚诇"谉 Real Estate Agent
  14. 讘讬转 讛诪住诇拽讛 - 讗讬转谉 讜讝讗谞讛 砖讬专讜转讬 讘讬讟讜讞 Insurance Agent
  15. Barbi 讛驻拽讜转 Event Planner
  16. 讗讞转 诪砖诇谞讜 注讬爪讜讘 砖讬注专 讜讟讬驻讜讞 Beauty Supply Store
  17. 诪讜注爪讛 诪拽讜诪讬转 讞爪讜专 讛讙诇讬诇讬转
  18. 讘专讘诇'讛 Pub
  19. Who studio Graphic Designer
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  21. 讘讜讟讬拽 讗讜专
  22. 讚讜讗专 讞爪讜专 讛讙诇讬诇讬转
  23. 讗诇讬讛-转砖诪讬砖讬 拽讚讜砖讛
  24. 专讛讬讟讬 讗讞讬诐 讻讛谉 讚讜讚 讜讘谞讬讜 Furniture Store
  25. 讗.讗 诪住驻专转 讻诇讘讬诐 讜讞谞讜转 Pet Store
  26. H Unique boutiqe Women's Clothing Store
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  29. 讞讬讜转 讜讞讬讜讻讬诐
  30. 讚"专 讬讜讞讗讬 讘讬讟讜谉 - 拽诇讬谞讬拽讛 驻专讟讬转 诇讗住转讟讬拽转 驻谞讬诐 Doctor
  31. 住讜讚 讛讗驻讬讬讛 讞讜讜讬讛 拽讜诇讬谞专讬转 Specialty Grocery Store
  32. OM gifts
  33. 砖讬驻讜讚讬-讙讙讜 Fast food restaurant
  34. 讗谞讙讜住 拽爪讘讬诐 Butcher Shop
  35. 诪专讻讝 讛讗谞专讙讬讛 砖专讜谉 04-6936806 Gas & Chemical Service
  36. 驻专讜讬拽讟 诪讙讜专讬诐 - 讛谞讞诇讛 Real Estate Agent