3 ★ Jerusalem Gate Hotel

Address: 43 Yirmiyahu Street, Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem Gate Hotel is conveniently located at the entrance of the Holy City, within easy walking distance of the central bus station. The Old City and the historic Jerusalem city centre are just a 15-minute bus ride or train ride away.

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Hotels Nearby

  1. Jerusalem Gold Hotel 4 ★ 234 Jaffa Street (Entrance from 17 Ha'Tsvi Street), Jerusalem
  2. Allenby2 B&B Allenby Square 2, Jerusalem
  3. Yafo Street 212 Yafo Street 212 4th floor, apart 410, Jerusalem
  4. Crowne Plaza Jerusalem Ahaliya 1 Givat Ram, Jerusalem
  5. Mevo Apartments Yaffo St. 212, Jerusalem
  6. Prima Park Hotel Jerusalem 4 ★ 2 Vilnay Street, Jerusalem
  7. Caesar Premier Jerusalem Hotel 4 ★ 208 Jaffa Street, Jerusalem
  8. 6th President Apartment Sderot HaNassi Hashishi 16, Jerusalem
  9. Jerusalem Gardens Hotel and Spa 3 ★ 4 Vilnay Street, Jerusalem
  10. Renaissance Private Luxury Suite Ruppin Bridge at Herzl Blvd, Jerusalem
  11. Ramada Hotel & Convention Center 6 Ze'ev Vilnay Street Ruppin Bridge, Jerusalem
  12. Ramada Apartment , Jerusalem

Companies and places nearby

  1. 讚讘专讬 砖讬专 Religious Bookstore
  2. 诇讬专讜谉 拽讜住诪讟讬拽讛 Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
  3. 驻讜讚专讛 - 讗拽讚诪讬讛 诇讗讬驻讜专 讜诪拽爪讜注讜转 讛讬讜驻讬 School
  4. 诪拽讬诪讬 Mekimi Women's Clothing Store
  5. 拽讜专讜住 注诇 讛讗砖 Restaurant
  6. 专讬驻专砖 - 诪讻讜谉 讻讜砖专 Gym/Physical Fitness Center
  7. 讗专讘注住 拽专讬讗讬讬讟讬讘, 驻专住讜诐 讜讚讬讙讬讟诇 Rbes Advertising Agency
  8. 讞讜诪讜住 讗诇讬讛讜 住谞讟专 1 Restaurant
  9. 拽谞讬讜谉 住谞讟专 1 Shopping Mall
  10. 讻驻专 讛砖注砖讜注讬诐 住谞讟专 1 Toy Store
  11. 讛诪讚专砖讛 诇讗讜驻谞讛 - 讛专砖转 讛诪讜讘讬诇讛 讘讬砖专讗诇 诇诇讬诪讜讚讬诐 诪注砖讬讬诐 讘注讬爪讜讘 讗讜驻谞讛 Community College
  12. 诇讬讬讚讬 驻讬讟谞住 讞讚专 讻讜砖专 诇谞砖讬诐 讘讬专讜砖诇讬诐 Sports Club
  13. 拽驻讛 讙专讙 Restaurant
  14. Jerusalem Gates Hotel resort
  15. 驻讬爪讛 驻诇驻诇- 拽谞讬讜谉 住谞讟专 1 Pizza place
  16. 诪讗驻讛 拽驻讛 住谞讟专 1 Bakery
  17. 亘賷賱賷賳 爻賷鬲賷 - BeleN city
  18. 砖讘讬 讬注讜抓 诪砖讻谞转讗 Credit Counseling Service
  19. Pharmavance Pharmacy / Drugstore
  20. Call It Spring Accessories
  21. 砖注专讬 讬专讜砖诇讬诐
  22. 讟专诐 专砖转 诪专讻讝讬诐 诇专驻讜讗讛 讚讞讜驻讛 - Terem Medical Service
  23. 讟专诐 Safety & First Aid Service
  24. Bizmax - 讘讬讝诪拽住
  25. Achim Global Nonprofit organization
  26. 3G Telecom Mobile Phone Shop
  27. Xpress Studio Marketing Agency
  28. 驻讜驻讜 讟讘拽讜 转讞谞讛 诪专讻讝讬转 讬专讜砖诇讬诐 Tobacco Store
  29. Palais d'Argan - 住诇讜谉 讬讜驻讬 Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
  30. 讗拽住驻专住 住讟讜讚讬讜 - 砖讬讜讜拽 讚讬讙讬讟诇讬 Marketing Agency
  31. 诪讜拽讚 讗讬讞讜讚 讛爪诇讛
  32. 讗讬讞讜讚 讛爪诇讛 Medical & health
  33. 诪砖专讚 讛讘专讬讗讜转 讬专讜砖诇讬诐 Public & Government Service
  34. Shift Underscore Abortion Service
  35. 讛转讞讚砖讜转
  36. 爪注讬专讬 讬砖专讗诇 讘讬转谞讜