Sulam Ya'akov

Address: Ma'ale Gamla, Ma'ale Gamla, Israel

Offering full privacy in new villas with a pool on the terrace, Sulam Ya'akov features air-conditioned interiors with free Wi-Fi and a spa bath in the corner. The villas also have fully equipped kitchenettes and flat-screen satellite TVs.

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Hotels Nearby

  1. Sea Zen Concept Resort Ma'ale Gamla, Ma'ale Gamla
  2. Above the Clouds Maale Gamla Ramat HaGolan, Ma'ale Gamla
  3. Nofesh Marom Maale Gamla, Ma'ale Gamla
  4. wooden Edge Of The Village Ma'ale Gamla Golan Heights , Number 30646, Ma'ale Gamla
  5. Ramot Resort Hotel Ramot, Moshav Ramot
  6. Musical Garden Cabins 讚诇讬讜转 35, Moshav Ramot
  7. Sea of Galilee Panoramic View Dalyot st. , Moshav Ramot
  8. Golan Rooms At Sagi Family Country Lodging Pney Golan st. Moshav Ramot, Moshav Ramot
  9. Batei Nurit Yehudiya St 42, Moshav Ramot
  10. Eden Ramot Chalets Pney Golan 308, Moshav Ramot
  11. The White Chalet View 诪讜砖讘 专诪讜转, Moshav Ramot
  12. Kinar Galilee Sea of Galilee, Hof Golan

Companies and places nearby

  1. Adika - Boutique suites Hotel & Lodging
  2. BedNesher
  3. 爪讞讬 住谞讚专讜住讬 - 爪讬诪专 Hotel resort
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  5. Vs studio8-Daphne shani Art Gallery
  6. FTR 讘讙讜诇谉 Sports & recreation
  7. 爪讬诪专 讘专诪转 讛讙讜诇谉 - 住讜诇诐 讬注拽讘 Hospitality Service
  8. 爪讬诪专讬诐 谞讜驻砖 诪专讜诐 Hotel & Lodging
  9. 讘转-讗诇 - 拽讜住诪讟讬拽讛 讟讘注讬转 讜讟讬驻讜诇讬诐 讗谞专讙讟讬讬诐 Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
  10. 爪讬诪专讬诐 砖诪讞讛 讘讻专诐 - 讗讜讛诇讬诐 诪讜谞讙讜诇讬诐 讬讬讞讜讚讬讬诐 讘诪注诇讛 讙诪诇讗 Hotel & Lodging
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  12. 讚讘砖 讘讙讜诇谉 Cabin
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  14. 驻谞讬谞讛 砖诇 诪拽讜诐 - 讗讬专讜讞 讘讙讜诇谉 Lodge
  15. 讗转谞讞转讗 Bed and Breakfast
  16. 砖拽讟 讘注谞谉 Vacation Home Rental
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  18. 讘拽转讛 讘专诪讛 Vacation Home Rental
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  21. 讘砖谉 讘讙讜诇谉 Bed and Breakfast
  22. 讞讙讬 讬讜讙讘 - 驻住讬讻讜诇讜讙 Psychologist
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  24. 讘专拽 讗讘专讛诐- 注讬住讜讬 讗讬讜专讜讜讚讬 Massage Service
  25. 讛专讬诐- 诇讛转讗诪谉 讝讛 讘讟讘注 砖诇谞讜 Sports & recreation
  26. 专拽驻转 讜拽谞讬谉 - 讗讚专讬讻诇讜转 讜注讬爪讜讘 驻谞讬诐 Home Improvement
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  29. 讙诪诇讗
  30. 讗讚专讬讻诇讜转 拽专谉 讘谉 讬砖讬
  31. 讟专讛 谞讜讘讛 - terra nova Winery/Vineyard
  32. 讗讬转谉 讘专诪谉 Sports & recreation
  33. 诪住注讚转 讛讘拽转讛 Restaurant
  34. 爪讬诪专讬诐 讘专诪讜转 讘拽转讜转 注抓 讘诇讘谉 - The White Cabins Hospitality Service
  35. 住讜讜讬讟讜转 讗讬诇讬 Hospitality Service
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