Tel HaShomer Apartment

Address: St. Mendes 42, Ramat Gan, Israel

Offering a garden and sun terrace, Tel HaShomer Apartment is located in Ramat Gan. Tel Hashomer Hospital is 700 metres away. Free WiFi is featured throughout the property and free private parking is available on site.

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Hotels Nearby

  1. Apartments in Mendes 43 Mendes St 43, Ramat Gan
  2. Eli's sderot aharon Katsir 32, Ramat Gan
  3. Apropo Hotel Shiba Hospital, Ramat Gan
  4. Kfar Maccabiah Hotel & Suites 7 Peretz Berenstein Street, Ramat Gan
  5. Etty's House for an Amazing Vacation Saadia Gaon 62, Qiryat Ono
  6. Klein Ba Giv'a Ha-Zeitim St 44, Giv鈥榓t Shemu始el
  7. Ramat Gan Ha- Ari Street 7, Ramat Gan
  8. Rarely Spacious Holiday TLV Home 3 Ein Yahav Street Ramat Gan Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv
  9. Sea N' Rent Nechemiah 15 Nekhemia St. 15, Tel Aviv
  10. Chrysler Residence Givon St. 38, Ganne Tiqwa
  11. Dekel Guesthouse Hamelech Yosef 46, Ramat Gan
  12. Avia Hotel & Resort Derech Hahoresh 4, Yehud

Companies and places nearby

  1. 讚"专 讗诇讜谉 拽讚诐 Doctor
  2. 讚"专 住诇讘讛 讗讛专讜谉 - 专讜驻讗 讘讻讬专 诪讜诪讞讛 讘专驻讜讗转 讻讗讘 Doctor
  3. Skintag LAB Medical Lab
  4. 讚状专 注驻专讛 讙诇 -诪专驻讗转 砖讬谞讬讬诐, 诪专驻讗转 诪讜诪讞讬诐 Medical Service
  5. Full Hair Medical Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
  6. 讟诇讬 讗专转讜专 驻讬讝讬讜转专驻讬讛 讜驻爪讬注讜转 住驻讜专讟 Physical Therapist
  7. 讚"专 讚讬谉 注讚-讗诇, 诪讜诪讞讛 讘讻讬专讜专讙讬讛 驻诇住讟讬转
  8. 讚"专 注讜诪专 讜讜诇祝 Plastic Surgeon
  9. 诪专驻讗转 讚"专 讚讜讚 砖砖专 - 讗讜诇讟专住讗讜谞讚 诪讬讬诇讚讜转讬, 住拽讬专讜转, 砖拽讬驻讜转 注讜专驻讬转 Medical Center
  10. 诪专讻讝 专驻讜讗讬 砖讬 shay-medical center Surgical Center
  11. 诪住注讚转 诪驻讙砖讬诐 Bar & Grill
  12. Jack Bar Bar
  13. 讚"专 诇讬讗讜专 诇讬讬讘讜, 诪讜诪讞讛 讘讻讬专讜专讙讬讛 驻诇住讟讬转 Medical Center
  14. 谞转谉 住讬注讜讚 讜砖讬拽讜诐 讘拽讛讬诇讛
  15. Sheba Medical Center - RU Hospital
  16. The Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer - Intl. Medical Tourism Division Government organization
  17. 讗专谞讜谞讬诐 注讬爪讜讘 讗专讜注讬诐 讜讗讘讬讝专讬 砖讬注专 Event Planner
  18. TeffBari Health Food Store
  19. Dflowers 驻专讞讬 讛诪专讙谞讬转 Wedding Planning Service
  20. 诪诇讜谉 专驻讜讗讬 砖讬 诇讘
  21. Holmes Place 讙讜 讗拽讟讬讘 砖讬讘讗 转诇 讛砖讜诪专 Sports & Fitness Instruction
  22. 专讜讞诇'讛 拽讜住诪讟讬拽讛 住拽诇专 Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
  23. 诪诇讜谉 砖讬 诇讘 Government organization
  24. 诪专讻讝 诇讘 拽专讬谞讬爪讬 Recreation Center
  25. 转讗讬诇谞讚 讗拽住驻专住 住谞讬祝 专诪转 讙谉 Thai Restaurant
  26. 谞讛讜专讛 诪讗诪谞转 讗讬砖讬转 Personal Coach
  27. 讗砖讚 讗讜专讟讜驻讚讬讛 Medical Supply Store
  28. 讗讬谞讚专讛 讬讜讙讛 INDRA YOGA Yoga Studio
  29. 讛讬讚专讜转专驻讬讛 诇讻诇讘讬诐 "讛讬讚专讜-驻讟" Therapist
  30. V.i.Pet 讛诪专讻讝 讛讜讟专讬谞专讬 诇砖讬拽讜诐 驻讬讝讬 Veterinarian
  31. 讗.住 讞诇讬诇 - 注讘讜讚讜转 驻讬转讜讞 讜讘讜讘拽讟讬诐
  32. 谞讬专讬转 驻诇讬讬砖诪谉, 注讜"讚 讜诪讙砖专转 Lawyer & Law Firm
  33. 讟拽 讟讜驻 - 讛讬讘讜讗谉 讛讙讚讜诇 讘讬砖专讗诇 诇爪讬讜讚 讗讜讚讬讜 诪拽爪讜注讬 讜转讗讜专讛 Shopping & Retail
  34. MRE 讗诇拽讟专讜谞讬拽住 诪讬诇诪谉 专讗讜讘谉
  35. 注讜诇诐 讛讚诪讬讜谉
  36. Beads By Yaara