Magic Cave Cliff

Address: smadar illit 54, Yavne始el, Israel

Situated in Yavne始el, 13 km from Tiberias, Magic Cave Cliff features an outdoor pool and spa centre. The pet-friendly accommodation is air conditioned and features a spa bath. Nazareth is 20 km from the property.

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Hotels Nearby

  1. Magic Waterfall Caves Ha'Goren 18 B, Yavne始el
  2. Avigail Guest House Yavne'el, Yavne始el
  3. Yavne'el Lodge Yavne始el, Yavne始el
  4. Jordan Valley Vacation Apartment Mishol Hadror 48, Mena岷杄mya
  5. Zimmer BaSadot Beit Gan 57, Yavne始el
  6. Moon Light Yavne始el Kalaniyot, Yavne始el
  7. Yagorov Chalet Yavne始el, Yavne始el
  8. Toscana Mansion in the Galilee Beit Gan Yavne'el, Yavne始el
  9. Leil Galil Yavne始el, Yavne始el
  10. Tabor Land Guest House Kfar Kisch, Kefar Qish
  11. Villa Mitzpe Hod Mitzpe Hod near Tiberias, Israel, Poriyya
  12. Tavor Landscape Terrace Nof Tavor Street Nr. 103, Kefar Qish

Companies and places nearby

  1. 讬讗诪讬拽 - 讗讜讻诇 讘讜讟讬拽 讘诪讜砖讘讛 Restaurant
  2. 爪讬讜谉 诪讜讛专讗"砖 讛爪讚讬拽 诪讬讘谞讗诇
  3. 拽诪驻讬谞讙 讗讜讛诇 诇谞讜祝 - 诇讛转驻谞拽 讘讟讘注 Campground
  4. 讻专诐 转砖注 Brewery
  5. 讘专住诇讘 讛讚驻住讛 讜讛驻爪讛 讬讘谞讗诇 Religious Bookstore
  6. 诇讜诇讬讟讛 讻诇 讟讬驻讜诇讬 讛讬讜驻讬 Laser Hair Removal Service
  7. 诪注专讜转 诪驻诇 讛拽住讜诐
  8. 讗讞讜讝转 诪诇讻讜转讱 Hotel & Lodging
  9. 注讬讚讜住 讚讬讙讬讟诇 Advertising Agency
  10. 讙诇讙诇讬诇 讬讘谞讗诇 Exotic Car Rental
  11. Smokee IL E-Cigarette Store
  12. 讘讬转 讘讻驻专 Hospitality Service
  13. 讞谞讬 拽讜住诪讟讬拽讛 - 讗讜专 驻讝 注诇 讛注讜专 Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
  14. Villa Grand Deluxe Vacation Home Rental
  15. 讘专讟讬 诪讜专谞讜 拽诇讬谞讬拽讛 诇专驻讜讗讛 住讬谞讬转 Alternative & Holistic Health Service
  16. 讛讞讜讜讛 - 诪转讞诐 讗讬专讜注讬诐 讜讘讬诇讜讬 - 讞讜讜转 注讝 注讬讝 Pub
  17. 爪讬诪专讬诐 - 砖诇讜讜讛 注诇 讛讬专讚谉 Vacation Home Rental
  18. 诪讜讘讬诇讬 讛讜专讚讬诐 讘注"诪
  19. 讘拽转讜转 讬诇讜讝 Vacation Home Rental
  20. 讗讞讜讝转 驻专讟讜砖 Vacation Home Rental
  21. 讘讜专拽住 讙讚讜 Food Stand
  22. 卮賲爻 賲賷丿賷丕 - Shams Media Advertising/Marketing
  23. 爪讬诪专 讘讟注诐 砖诇 驻注诐 - 讛讘讬转 砖诇 住讘转讗 讘讙诇讬诇 Bed and Breakfast
  24. 爪讬诪专讬诐 讛砖讞专 讘讙诇讬诇 Bed and Breakfast
  25. 讗讘讬讙讬诇 讗讬专讜讞 讻驻专讬, 爪讬诪专 讘爪驻讜谉 Inn
  26. 讛讬诇讛 讘讙诇讬诇
  27. 讗讬专讜讞 讻驻专讬 - 讛讬诇讛 讘讙诇讬诇 Vacation Home Rental
  28. 诇讜讝 讻谞专转 Hotel resort
  29. 专驻讜讗转 讞讬专讜诐 诇讜讜讬 讟讬讜诇讬诐
  30. 讜讬诇讛 诪讜专讙谞讛 - Villa Morgana-讬注拽讘 讜砖专讛 专讜讝谞讜讜住专
  31. 住讜驻专 诇讘 讛诪讜砖讘讛 讘注诪 砖讙讬讗 讬讘谞讗诇 Specialty Grocery Store
  32. OEJ Egyptian Arabians
  33. 讘讬谞讜转 转诪专讬诐 讟讬讜诇讬诐 讘专讻讘 讞砖诪诇讬 Tour Agency
  34. 讘拽转讜转 谞讜祝 讬专讚谉
  35. 爪讬诪专 讗讞讜讝转 讗讘讬讗诇
  36. Tamar Hasson 转诪专 讞住讜谉 Health Food Store