Yehudit's Apartment Safed

Address: Jerusalem St. 38, Safed, Israel

Yehudit's Apartment Safed is a self-catering apartment with air conditioning and a library, located 500 metres from the Artist Colony and set in the historic centre.

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Hotels Nearby

  1. Hametsuda Hotel 3 ★ 37 Jerusalem Street, Safed
  2. Old City Stones Jerusalem St 60, Safed
  3. Vitrage Luxury Residence Hatam Sofer St 59, Safed
  4. Garden In Zefat Jerusalem street 120, Safed
  5. Shalva Be'Zefat Ha'atika Alkabets St. 45, Safed
  6. The Antiquity Heart Mansion Montefiore 10, Safed
  7. Abouhav Winery Villa Simtat Abuhav 1, Safed
  8. Palacio Domain - Luxurious Boutique Hotel 90 Rehov Yud Bet Street, Safed
  9. Nofesh Baatika Abbo 55, Safed
  10. Old City Charm Ha-Rav Aharon Ben Shim'on Street, Safed
  11. Beit Ha'Omanim Lion Isakov St 1, Safed
  12. Pninat Chen 11 Radbaz St, Safed

Companies and places nearby

  1. 诪讞讜讘专讜转 爪驻转
  2. 诪诇讜谉 讛诪爪讜讚讛
  3. Emmanuel Gallery of Fine Art Art Gallery
  4. 讞诇讜诐 诪转讜拽
  5. 转讞谞讛 诇砖诇讜诐 讛诪砖驻讞讛
  6. 讚讘讜专讛 讙讜讚诪谉:诪讟驻诇转 讘驻住讬讻讜转专驻讬讛 讙讜驻谞讬转 讜讛转诪拽讚讜转 讘爪驻转 Mental Health Service
  7. Tree Of Life Cafe Bakery
  8. 讗诪谞讜转 讚执拽讚讜旨砖讛 Art Dekdusha Art Gallery
  9. Elements caf茅 Tzfat Gluten-Free Restaurant
  10. Bat Ya'Ar Ranch Farm
  11. 砖讬讟讗拽讬 砖讬讟讗拽讬 Sushi Restaurant
  12. 讜讬讟专讗讝' 讞讚专讬 讗讬专讜讞 讬讜拽专转讬讬诐 讘爪驻转
  13. Sarah's Tent Art Gallery Tzfat Art Gallery
  14. Jewish art by Moshe Dadon
  15. 讘讜讟讬拽 讗诇讙专讛 Apparel & Clothing
  16. 讗专讟 讙讬驻讟 诪转谞讜转 Gift Shop
  17. The Geffen Courtyard Arts & entertainment
  18. Canaan-Gallery Art Gallery
  19. Z Jewelry Shop Jewelry & Watches Store
  20. 讘讬转 讻谞住转 讗讘讜讛讘- 爪驻转. Synagogue
  21. Lahuhezfat
  22. 注砖讜专 诪注爪讘讬 砖讬注专 Hair Salon
  23. 讬拽讘 爪驻转 Winery/Vineyard
  24. Abuhav synagogue Synagogue
  25. 讛讙专注讬谉 讛讞讬驻讗讬 诪讟讬讬诇
  26. The Ashkenazi Haari Synagogue Landmark & Historical Place
  27. 讘讬转 讻谞住转 讗讘讜讛讘 - 讘专 诪爪讜讛, 讞转讜谞讛 讜讗专讜注讬诐 Religious organization
  28. Livnot U'Lehibanot Nonprofit organization
  29. Old Safed Winery Winery/Vineyard
  30. 专驻讜讗讛 讟讬讘注讬转 Aromatherapy Service
  31. 拽驻讛 讘讙讚讚
  32. Centro Latino Israel Educational Research Center
  33. 讗住转专 讜讬讛讜谞转谉 Kosher Restaurant
  34. 爪讬诪专讬诐 讘爪驻转
  35. 诪诇讜谉 讘讜讟讬拽-讗讞讜讝讛 讘诇讘 讛注转讬拽讛 Hotel resort
  36. 讘专 讚注转 - 爪驻转